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Vassago (ヴァッサゴ, Vassago) is Armakan Amun-Ra's Djinn. Vassago was in the 3rd Dungeon.




Vassago used to live in Alma Torran and was part of King Solomon's Household

Vassago, along with the rest of the Djinn, were created by King Solomon from Rukh.



Dungeon Capturer[]

Vassago's Dungeon Capturer is Armakan Amun-Ra.

Household Member[]

Only one member of his Household has been shown, a monster with a jackal form.

Metal Vessel[]

Armakan's Metal Vessel is the curved black sword that he carries with him, which is very similar to that of Sharrkan.

Djinn Equip[]

In his Djinn Equip form, Armakan has an angelic appearance and the characteristic third eye on his forehead. His body is half dark and half white. He wears armor and anklets..

Djinn Weapon Equip[]

Armakan's sword changes into a much larger sword and its blade makes some undulations.



  • This Djinn's name is probably taken from the book The Lesser Key of Solomon. In the first section of this book, entitled Ars Goetia, several demons are described, Vassago being the third. The dungeon where Vassago resided was the 3rd as well.

