Magi: Dungeon and Magic is a game adaptation of the Magi manga and anime series, made by Nexon. Its platform are smartphones (Android) and iOS, and it is available in Japanese app stores.
The game's service ended on 25th of August 2015.
Playable Characters[]
The gameplay mechanic involves cards. The cards have a ranking system consisting of SR, SRR, and HR and then attributes/or elements represented by colors (from green, red, and blue) and a symbol (a lamp, an arm, and a badge) on the upper right hand corner.
EMedia | |
Manga | Magi | Adventure of Sinbad | List of Volumes |
Anime | Magi | Adventure of Sinbad | List of Episodes |
Guidebooks | Magi: Alf Laylah wa Laylah | Magi Character Encyclopedia |
Fan Books | First Fan Book | Official Fan Book | Perfect Fan Book | Adventure of Sinbad Fanbook |
Games | Magi: Hajimari no Meikyū | Magi: Aratanaru Sekai | Magi: Dungeon & Magic |
Extras | Volumes' Extras | Shinobu Ohtaka's Tegaki Extras | Magi News @ Web |
People | Shinobu Ohtaka | Yoshifumi Ohtera |
Other | DVD & Blu-ray | Music | Magi Crusade System |