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Falan (ファーラン, Fāran) is a Magician from Alma Torran. She was a part of Solomon's resistance to overthrow the Orthodox government and the wielder of one of the 72 Divine Staves. Falan is now a Magician Counselor of the Parthevia Empire but also a member of Al-Thamen.


Alma Torran Characters
Falan in color
Falan Body Desgin in AOS anime

Falan is a slim woman with orange hair tied in two loops on the both sides of her head, green eyes and a very large chest. Her forehead also has a third eye like all wielders of the Divine Staves.


According to her dialogue, Falan has an air of vanity and seems to openly comment on anything. Falan seems to be quite proud of her figure, adding to her vanity. After the death of her son, Tess and when Solomon replaced Ill Ilah, she started to have an ill will towards him which lead to her betrayal and followed Al-Thamen. In the new world, her personality is an opposite to how she was in Alma Torran.

This is seen in how she acts in the new world. Upon infiltrating the Parthevia Empire it is shown that Falan has now become cold blooded, manipulative, sociopathic and even outright cruel and inhuman towards both her "allies" and her enemies, as seen when she would take advantage of the tragedies and pains of both friend and foe alike in order to make them fall into depravity and showed absolutely no remorse at doing so.

Also fitting into her new personality, Falan has seemingly lost her habit of ending her sentences with アル (aru) upon entering into the new world.

Just like her fellow members of Al-Thamen, Falan has now also displayed their fanatic desire/devotion to summon "Our Father" into the new world and destroy it. As seen when she began crying tears of joy and happiness upon successfully using Serendine Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia as their "Medium" during her final clash with Sinbad.

However despite her now extremely negative personality and fanatical devotion to the "Agenda" of Al-Thamen, Falan has still retained her strong motherly instincts and feelings, albeit in a extremely warped manor. As seen where she genuinely cared for and loved both Judar and Ceylan Dikumenowlz Du Parthevia and loved them both as if they were her own children during their childhoods, with Ceylan in particular coming to truly care for and rely on Falan as a mother figure after the deaths of his father & mother and the disappearance of his sister.

However as revealed in the emotional moment between Ceylan and Herself, it is seen that Falan never truly cared for neither Judar or Ceylan as their own persons, but she instead psychologically projects her own lost son,Tess, on them. As seen when she began to "promise" to protect "Tess"(Ceylan) forever "this time", with Falan even momentarily reverting back to her old persona of using aru in the ending of her sentences as she made her promises, showing that even after the thousands of years after his death, Falan has never truly gotten over her loss of her son.


In Alma Torran, Falan was a member of Solomon's group and was quite a strong magician.


Imuchakk Arc[]

Adventure of Sinbad
The following information has to do with the spinoff/prologue to Magi, Adventure of Sinbad.



Falan's wand is a tall scepter with an oval shaped dome at the end. When she was in Alma Torran she owned one of the 72 Divine Staves.[1] This in turn granted her immense power due to receiving Magoi directly from Ill Ilah,allowing her to perform immensely powerful Magic.

However, upon Solomon replacing Ill Ilah and taking his place, Falan's staff along with all the other Divine Staves have all lost their original function and now are only regular wands.


Borg:This is said to be the proof of a magician. It is a defensive ability that blocks out attacks with evil intentions. It blocks out all physical attacks and magical attacks to some degree as well. However, its strength depends on the person.
Life Magic: Falan has been shown to be highly skilled with Life Magic, as when fighting the Magician Orthodox she was able to manipulate numerous enemy magicians into killing themselves.
Ice Magic
  • Thalg Hajar (Ice Solidification): This is a magic spell that allows the user to freeze a large body of water.
Gravity Magic: Falan uses Gravity Magic to levitate in the air and attack her enemies.
  • Ala Raqesa (Puppeteer's Entombment Dance): Falan uses gravitational force to create a heavy energy sphere to attack her enemies.


After being trapped in an alternate dimension along the other members of Al-Thamen, Falan has used Arba's solution of becoming a being of pure thought and and now inhabits a "doll" made to contain her thought/spiritual form.

This method has effectively granted Falan several new abilities. Due to her now being a creature of pure thought, she could share her knowledge and sensory information with the other Al-Thamen members the moment she knows something or experiences. Utilizing her ability, Falan could possess multiple "doll" bodies and scatter them all across the world in order to gather information or spearhead several operations.[2] [3]

This is seen during her meddling with Sinbad during his time in the Parthevia Empire.



Solomon Jehoahaz Abraham[]

Falan was a member of Solomon's entourage during the resistance against David Jehoahaz Abraham and the orthodox church as well as the founding of Alma Torran. She trusted Solomon both as a friend and a leader and was one of the many citizens of Alma Torran who strongly supported Solomon becoming the king of the nation. She followed him without hesitance and fought against anyone who used his name in vain.

However, after the death of her son Tess and Solomon's Rukh fusing with Ill Ilah, Falan, like her husband, began to resent her leader and held ill will toward him. Eventually after much tribulation, enough tension had built between the magicians and the other species, leading many of Solomon's most trusted followers to betray him, Falan included. She, like Wahid, now acts as a member of Al-Thamen and serves Arba in an attempt to free themselves from fate.


After spending years together serving Solomon and helping to liberate the other species around the world, Falan and Wahid married and had a child. They still bickered like they used to, but Falan cared much for her husband and used him as support in times of need. Their son's death caused both of them to betray Solomon and join Al-Thamen. Though, when Wahid protected her against the attack of Solomon's Djinn, she was sad and mourned his death. Wahid apologizes for leaving Falan behind, and that he couldn't stand it if she died.


Falan is very caring of her son, showing more affection to him than anyone else and when he claimed that when he grows up he will marry her eventually, she was very happy. When she found her son burnt to death, she went into a depression never getting over Tess' death, which was one of the reasons Falan betrayed Solomon.


  • Her name might derive from the Arabic word فلان fulān, which has meanings such as "whatsherface", "whatever-his-name-is", or "whatchamacallit" (i.e. it is used as a placeholder when you cannot remember the name of the person or thing you are talking about).
  • She ends nearly all of her sentences with アル (aru) which is similar to saying "like" in English.
    • After arriving in the "New World" and beginning to develop the same fanatical belief in the "Agenda" as her fellow Al-Thamen, Falan has seemingly lost this quirk of ending her sentences with aru.


  1. Night 218, Page 17
  2. Adventure of Sinbad: Night 22
  3. Adventure of Sinbad: Night 176

